Thursday, June 11, 2009

it's been a while!

well it has been a while! today's weigh in went successfully, I was down 1.6 which put me at 182.4. only .4 more until i've lost 15 with WW and only 4.4 until I've lost my 10% with WW. i've lost 27.6 total counting my weightloss prior to ww! i'm feeling pretty good!!!!

I would like to keep running and commit to 4 days a week. although I haven't logged it, i've been running at great paces, one day it was under 12 per mile! I want to really focus on my food choices this week and running!

cheers to another week!

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Well I lost .6! I weighed in at 185.4! In the buff it was 181! I am getting closer and closer! I def like to see things go down and not up!!!

I ran Thursday
Distance: 3.1 Miles
Time: 40:51
Per Mile: 13:06
High HR: 201
Avg HR: 189

I also ran Friday:......*my ipod died .5 miles in agh that was a rough run*
Distance: 3.1 Miles
Time: 39:44
Per Mile: 12.72(not seconds)
High HR: 200
Avg HR: 186

Today is Saturday, I'll take it easy today, we went fishing then up to Portland for a girls night while Chris and his friends go see a movie at the IMAX. Kellie is BBQing so I am taking some chicken breasts and corn, and I think I'll try to stay away from all the goodies!

Sunday, May 10, 2009


186! Woot! It's a possibility it came from wearing a thinner shirt, but in reality after a rough 2 weeks I am thrilled with my .4 loss. Better than a gain! Finally today, the 10th, I ran again! It felt good. I did 3.1 on a route I hadn't ran before, I finished in 41:36, my slowest pace yet, but I did take 2 weeks off, so not bad, works out to be a 13:34 mile, always room for improvement, my race is in about a month.

I figured I should start posting my stats of my runs too, thanks to my handy-dandy heart rate monitor!

Pace: 41:36
Mile: 13:36
Distance: 3.1 miles
High Heart Rate: 202-yikes I'd like to see this drop A LOT
Average Heart Rate: 185-this too.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Girls on the Run!

It's official! I have registered for my first 5k race (3.1 miles) since I was 17!! Yikes. I don't know if I am ready for this...but it's June 6th! So I have some time, I ordered a shirt too, which I am super excited about!

Here is a website from the Corvallis sector which I'll be running in! The Daisy Dash

Monday, April 20, 2009


Without a doubt I want to be a runner. I see people running while I'm driving every single day, and I always think, I want to be that. I used to be, I want to be now.

Chris and I were driving home from the coast yesterday and were talking about running, I wanted to go from his house, down to Grand Prarie, I was scolded. There is no shoulder and it's dangerous enough to be on the back roads around his house, b/c all the cool kids drive like crazy. He told me Spicer would be better to run on, it's got a shoulder and then some gravel. I finally agreed with a bitter tone. Not sure why, I can't make it far enough for it to even matter!

So we took Spicer to his house to see how far, one way was a mile and a half. I decided that'd be a good goal, maybe this summer I'll make it down and back for a nice 3 miles.

Yesterday we ate junk, junk, and more junk. I felt crummy, and I decided I was going to run, I haven't worked out for about 2.5 weeks and was thinking this would be bad. So I took off. I was excited. I made it all 3 miles without stopping!!!!!!!!!

That's a huge accomplishment for me, I haven't ran three miles nonstop since high school. I haven't a mile off of the treadmill. Whoo hoo!!

I feel good, I know I need to be easy on my knees, and careful on the road. I was glad to see all the drivers gave me PLENTY of room.

So tonight I may try again, my legs are sore, but I might just go to the gym, haven't decided. I am very excited though!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


What a great week! I lost 2.6 and it put me at 186.2! It's been a while since these numbers have been around!

I finally feel like I am far enough under 200 I don't have to worry about waking up after a big dinner and seeing those numbers!! I know it's crazy!

So since 2/12 I have lost 11.6 and since this summer it's almost 25 lbs! I know it's not much when you look at the time span, but most of it has been coming off recently which rocks my world.

I have lost 5% of my body weight (9 lbs) and my next goal is my 10% (19 lbs).

We'll see what happens this week!

Monday, April 13, 2009


It's been a while since I've posted. Things had been at 188.8 for a pretty long time-4 weeks I believe. I finally dropped the .8 and hit 188. I think it was because I was wearing much lighter pants that day, this week I'll wear my slacks or jeans again and see if there was a difference.

I did not work out at all last week. Boo me. I was drained. Completly drained, I still feel it too, I just am in a slugish mood. I need to get back on track. Today is that day, I will work out when I get home, even if it's just a little bit.

Wedding dress trying on is in 2 weeks. I'm about 10 lbs from where I wanted to be, I'd like to be in the 170's. I think for my wedding, I'd like to be around 150. I tend to wonder, when I really do reach my goal weight (135ish) if I'll have a ocd effect and want to lose more...I guess we'll see.

I was thinking in the car on the way to work today about what a struggle this it. It shouldn't be. Eat some many calories, burn so many calories. But sometimes life gets in the way. I was in 6th grade when I first started worrying about my weight...6th grade!!! I remember my family went to the beach and I wondered off to a book store and bought a book called "21 lbs in 21 days." I laugh now that I thought that was even healthy...but really...I was that worried about it. Chris' little sister Alyana is in 6th grade (I'm pretty sure) I could never imagine her having to worry about something like that (although she's so petite!) , in 6th grade you're supposed to worry about boys and make-up..not being over weight..just thought it was strange.